Recently as apart of day job I had to count the number of API requests were made to keep check of throttling limits. As a standard for python codebase, requests library has been used.
I wrote some code which will maintain the API URLs and their respective counts.
That got thing done.
After a while I realized, there should be a way to intercept the request. Just like in there is middleware in Django for request. Then checked the documentation of requests and found event-hooks.
Going through the docs found out that hook is available only for response. And they have intentions to add other hooks as well mentioned in TODO.
Found this opportunity to contribute one of the best libraries of python and without any delay I created github issue
Hopefully library maintainers will have a look and will add as a feature request officially.
I wrote some code which will maintain the API URLs and their respective counts.
That got thing done.
After a while I realized, there should be a way to intercept the request. Just like in there is middleware in Django for request. Then checked the documentation of requests and found event-hooks.
Going through the docs found out that hook is available only for response. And they have intentions to add other hooks as well mentioned in TODO.
Found this opportunity to contribute one of the best libraries of python and without any delay I created github issue
Hopefully library maintainers will have a look and will add as a feature request officially.
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