24 Apr 2014

Creating a excel file in python

To Create a Excel file using python , the xlsxwriter module found pretty cool
                    pip install xlsxwriter

after installing it , lets write a code to create a file.

Create a file and associate it with worksheet

             workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('person.xlsx')
             worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

In a worksheet, column and row in a worksheet are referenced by their index number, which starts with 0.

Set a width  of all columns : 
      worksheet.set_column(0, index_last_column, number)
above line can also be used to set width of particular column.

Creating a headers in bold :
     bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': 1})
      worksheet.write('A', 'Title', bold)
      worksheet.write('B', 'Name', bold)
      worksheet.write('C', 'Age', bold)
first row whose index is 0 is filled with above headers. 
Filling Records
person_data = list(Person.objects.all())
let say we have a list of Person objects in person_data
                row =1 // its not 0, since first row is a header
                col =0
           for person in person_data:
                worksheet.write_string(row, col,        person.title)
                worksheet.write_string(row, col+1,   person.first_name)
                worksheet.write_string(row, col+2,   person.last_name)

                r = r+1

Close the file object :

checkout docs for more fun.

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