11 Jun 2018

JWT: how token is created

In this post i am going to give a thoughts about how JWT token is got created. If do not aware of JWT token and its use-cases then please read this and come back.

Ok, now you have basic introduction about JWT token so i can go ahead of steps that involves creating token.

Let say we are creating token with followings:

algorithm is HS384
payload is {'some': 'payload'}
secret key is "secret"
header is {"custom_header": "custom_val"}

So lets follow through the creation of JWT token.

 1. algorithm is checked if it is a supported or not.

2. payload is encoded in utf-8 and converted into a byte string.
     b_payload = b'{"some":"payload"}'

3. header is encoded in utf-8 and converted into a byte string.
    b_header = b'{"typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS384", "custom_header": "custom_val"}'

4. b_payload is encoded into a base64 encoding:
    en_payload = base64_encode(b_payload)
    looks like

5. b_header is encoded into a base64 encoding
    en_header = base64_encode(b_header)
    looks like

6.  A signing string is created by concatenating en_payload and en_header with dot (.)
    signing_input = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzM4NCIsImhrIjoiaGVhZC12YWwifQ' .b'eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'

7. signature is created by signing an algorithm with signing_input and key
    signature = sign(signing_input, key)     # alg_obj is an algorithm object
    looks like

8. Now, signature is encoded into a base64 encoding
   en_signature = base64_encode(signature)
   looks like
   en_sign = b'wX9_-5azD2MehC4C5fX9u7KbZjCeYewGVRUtXco7H_umSsdwdt8MdTtqYG-maWGd'

9. And finally all three components, en_payload , en_header and en_signature,  are concatenated by with dot (.) which results in token
   looks like

This is very basic of how token is created,  hope you find it useful.

7 Jun 2018

On the fly: namedtuple

Python has a namedtuple from collections module.  It is interesting to look how it got created because it is created for user defined name.

namedtuple(typenamefield_names, verbose=False, rename=False)
for example:
point_obj = namedtupe('Point', ['x', 'y'])

I would like to share few observations about namedtuple after going through the source code of same.

1. a class definition is stored as a string literal which is to be executed.

2. A subclass of tuple is created with name as a typename. i.e.: point
     class Point(tuple):

3. property and operator.itemgetter applied on field_names. the Point will have x and y as a property
x and y will be attributes of point.

4. A class definition is created which involves 2. and 3. which looks like this.

5. exec() executes the class definition which returns object of Point.

You can have look at this code,  thanks for reading.